The 24 Hour “Do Nothing” Challenge

12 Secret Benefits of Doing Nothing | Radiant Life Chiropractic

There’s not too much to say on this one, so I’ll keep it short.

My goal was to do nothing for 24 hours. Like everyone in the modern world, I’m hopelessly addicted to little dopamine bursts provided by algorithmically optimized technology (in my case – Reddit, video games, phone messages, and having music or tv shows in the background), so I wanted to see if I had the willpower to cut off all stimulation for an extended period of time.

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The Blind, Alone, and Confused for 24 Hours Challenge

For 24 hours I will be blind and alone in my apartment. I eventually want to try being blind for a week, but I’ll need seven days with no other obligations, and I won’t have that for a while. For now, I’ll suffice with a smaller-scale experiments with a few extra provisions for added difficulty.


  1. I must leave my blindfold on for 24 hours.
    • If I remove the blindfold, I have failed the experiment
    • If the blindfold falls off or I can get partial sight, I have failed the experiment.
    • I am only allowed to readjust my blindfold if I can see light.
  2. I must not be in contact with any other people for 24 hours.
    • I cannot answer my phone or any other messaging system.
    • I cannot receive in-person visitors.
    • If someone knocks at the door, I cannot answer verbally or physically.
  3. I will set an alarm for 24 hours. I cannot set any other alarms or use any other means to ascertain the time.
    • It is up to me to keep my phone charged so the alarm goes off.
  4. I cannot leave my apartment.
Continue reading “The Blind, Alone, and Confused for 24 Hours Challenge”

30 Day Vegan Challenge

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) Review |BasementRejects

From May 15 to June 13, I was on the vegan diet.

This experiment turned out to be far less interesting than expected, so I’m going to keep this short.



  1. I can eat no animal products
    1. No meat
    2. No non-meat food derived from animals
      1. ie. dairy, eggs, honey, etc.
    3. When I don’t know if something is vegan, I google it. If the top few search results indicate a possibility of a food not being vegan, I don’t eat it
    4. I measure my weight every night between 10-11 PM
    5. I must inform every person with whom I eat food that I am vegan, and I must imply or explain that I am morally superior because I am not murdering any animals nor benefiting from animal slavery

Continue reading “30 Day Vegan Challenge”

96 hour No-Sleep Challenge

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number HD Wallpaper | Background Image ...

On April 26, 2020, I woke up at 8:54 AM. My goal was to not sleep for the next 96 hours (four days).


Why Am I Doing This?

No real reason. I’m just curious to see if I am the willpower to succeed and how I’ll feel.



  1. The challenge begins when I wake up on April 26, 2020.
  2. I cannot sleep for 96 hours (initial)
    1. Eventually revised down to 72 hours
  3. I may use any means necessary to keep myself awake
  4. I must at least attempt to record how I’m feeling every 12 hours
  5. I may not receive direct help in staying awake from any other people

Continue reading “96 hour No-Sleep Challenge”

30 Day Carnivore Challenge

Meatless Monday Tips for Carnivores | teachinggardens

From 3/16/2020 to 4/15/2020, I embarked on the carnivore diet. I didn’t have any specific motive or goal beyond curiosity to find out how the highly restrictive diet made me feel and to see whether I could do it. I will summarize my findings here.



1. I can only eat animal products, excluding dairy

  • Exceptions
    • Butter
      • Rationale – Animal product, similar nutritional composition to meat, crucial for boosting fat intake
    • Seasoning
      • Rationale – Little-to-no nutritional or caloric content, will greatly boost palatability and taste

2. I can only drink water

  • Water derivatives are allowed (ie. club soda)
  • Exception
    • Coffee
      • Rationale – Little-to-no nutritional or caloric content, worried about how ending caffeine consumption will interfere with dietary impact, I really like coffee

3. I eat until I’m full

4. I eat whenever I want

5. I record everything I eat

6. I measure my weight every night between 10-11PM

Continue reading “30 Day Carnivore Challenge”